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FFmpeg & Subtitles

Version vom 8. Februar 2025, 23:46 Uhr von Xineohp1506 (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „==Download FFmpeg for Windows== ===Steps=== *Download [https://www.ffmpeg.org/ FFmpeg] *Extract it and save it to C drive (choose any location - it’s optionl) *Set environment variable - copy the location of bin folder which is inside the extracted file and set the location on system path variable. *Done! ==Remove Hard Subtitles== Let’s say you have a english video file name '''demo.mkv''' and it has horrible subtitile problem like chines or a langu…“)
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Download FFmpeg for Windows


  • Download FFmpeg
  • Extract it and save it to C drive (choose any location - it’s optionl)
  • Set environment variable - copy the location of bin folder which is inside the extracted file and set the location on system path variable.
  • Done!

Remove Hard Subtitles

Let’s say you have a english video file name demo.mkv and it has horrible subtitile problem like chines or a language that you can’t understand, than you can simply remove subtitle usign ffmpeg framework. We are talking about built-in subtitiles not .srt file. To do so, follow the following steps:

  • Install FFmepg on your pc and set path variable if needed.
  • Go to your file location and open command prompt or terminal there.
  • After that run the following command - ffmpeg -i video.mkv -vcodec copy -acodec copy -sn video-no-subs.mkv

Integrate Hard Subtitle

Now if any case you want to integrate a srt file on a video player. Then follow below step -

  • Download desire subtitle (language) from online
  • let’s assume demo.mkv and downloaded file named sub.srt
  • put both file in one location and open terminal from that location and run following command
  • First convert the subtitles to .ass format: ffmpeg -i sub.srt subs.ass
  • To mux subtitles into a video file run - ffmpeg -i demo.mkv -i sub.ass -codec copy -map 0 -map 1 output.mkv

Extract Subtitile for Video file

Now in these case, a video file with an embeded subtitile and you want to make it srt file or other work a soft subtitile file. We cas do it by following command

  • ffmpeg -i demo.mkv -map 0:s:0 sub.srt

That’s it.